What is a Merchant Cash Advance Loan
This working capital program is based on how much you process in credit card sales each month. If you are in a high credit card usage industry like a restaurant or entertainment venue. This is the perfect loan for you! We can lend up to $500,000 under this program!
- Minimum time in business : 2 months
- Minimum credit score: 500 and up*
- Minimum monthly merchant processing amount: $7500
- MAXIMUM amount of financing is: $500,000
- Repayment term : up to 12 months
Required Documentation:
- Application – we need anyone that owns at least 50% on the application)
- the last 2 months business checking account statements
- Business owner(s) Driver’s License
- Last 4 months Merchant account processing statements
- Voided check
- Additional paperwork is required for deals 75K and above